civil war amazing fact

Before William Tecumseh Sherman became a great union General, he was demoted for insanity. In October 1861, the general of union forces told US Secretary of war Simon cameron that he needed 60,000 men to defend William’s territory, 200,000 men to go on the offensive. Simon called the general request “insane” and removed him from command. In a devastating letter to his brother he wrote, and I quote, “I should think I should have committed suicide were it not for my children. I don’t think I can be trusted with that command again.”  But he was reassigned in 1862 under Ulysses s grant. Who didn’t see insanity but competence in the general. Later, a civilian bad mouthed grant, and Sherman defended his friend by saying,”general Grant is a great general he stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk, and now sir we stand by each other always.”


5th grade has been a real challenge, but I had great teachers right by my side. So far I have done an american revolutionary war project at the beginning of the year. Two P. B.L’s, and three star tests.The most exciting thing I’ve ever done is, when Mr.Mac cleaned out his room, and started teaching us about the decades.I don’t know what I’ll miss most, the easy homework, or my teachers. They’ve all been so good to me, and you 4th graders if you are reading this you be good to them you hear me, if you don’t I might have to whoopya, and I mean it!I am going to miss 5th grade, but I am starting a new chapter, and you are but of the past. So long 5th grade, I will miss you . These are my 5th grade reflections, bye.

so long 5th grade

The most important thing I learned was finance.

My favorite project was when we had to make a “candy store” for PBL.

I was most surprised when Mr.Mac said he was going to clear his room and teach us about the 1900’s!

The thing I most disliked was the american revolution project, don’t get me wrong it was very educational, but hard, and long lasting.

I’m really going to miss 5th grade, and the intermediate school.

So long 5th grade. 🙁

Girl Pitcher?!

Chatanooga lookouts have a girl pitcher! The first batter up was babe Ruth,and guess what she struck him out!I can tell you Babe was not happy.The next batter was Lou Gehrig and she struck him out too!(he left with more dignity)Oh my gosh she’s amazing,this minor league player has struck out two of the greatest on a major league team.i’m just as shocked as you are trust me.we’ll be back with an interview with Jackie Mitchell.